The Paddock Wood Blog Area

The Paddock Wood Blog Area
Wildlife recording & Blogs will be in tetrad TQ6644 - between the marked UK grid lines numbered 66 - 68 (west to east) & 44 - 46 (south to north).

Sunday 21 February 2016

Toad sex orgy in progress !!!


Toad breeding in Paddock Wood has started early this year

The happy couple on the edge of doom !

Every year hundreds of toads migrate to the ponds found at the Putlands sports field, for their once a year sex romp ! Its normally sometime during the first or second week of March, but tonight with the temperature a balmy 12c they've started early. 

155 single males and 15 couples in the 'love position' were seen in and around the main pond tonight. Numbers should rise, provided the temperature doesn't drop too drastically, which it is predicted to do ;-(.

To reach the two ponds the toads have to cross the local estate roads and that is where the trouble starts. For they are in real danger of becoming either 'toad pancakes', or falling down the road side gully pots, where they drown after a few days.

Step forward the Paddock Wood Toad Patrol Team, a plucky group of around a dozen local citizens, who brave the darkness and weather to fish 'the unfortunates' out of their dark watery prison, or help them safely cross the road and make it to the ponds :-)

Last year the Toad Patrol Team saved 153 toads from death and on the 'top night' for maximum toad numbers (17 March)  we counted 525 toads in and around the pond, all hell bent on just one thing ....SEX.

....and you thought Paddock Wood was a nice quiet suburban town, where nothing dirty like sex orgies took place. You forgot about the toads :-).

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