The Paddock Wood Blog Area

The Paddock Wood Blog Area
Wildlife recording & Blogs will be in tetrad TQ6644 - between the marked UK grid lines numbered 66 - 68 (west to east) & 44 - 46 (south to north).

Monday 8 February 2016

How often do you mow your lawn in the winter?

Monday 8th Feb, 10.00 am and I have just mowed the lawn for the first time this year. I last mowed it on 14th December 2015, eight weeks earlier. Completely filled the grass collecting box, so it was 'a proper mow' not just a light trim ! To be honest I could have mowed the lawn last Sunday, 31st January, but time was against me.

Twenty years ago the last mow of the year would have been around early / mid November and the mower would then be put away until early / mid March, a three - four month break. This winter has been exceptionally mild, but over the last few years the 'mowing break,' has often been for only about two & a half - three months.

Although it is much talked about in the media, most of us don't really notice the change in the climate, for whilst on historic scale the changes in the climate has been very rapid, on a human scale they have sort of crept up on us. However it's the simple tasks, like noting down how long the winter 'mowing break' lasts, that you begin to realize how much milder the winters have become and so start to see our local climate changing on a meaningful scale.

Will there be a break in mowing the lawn in ten or twenty years time ?

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